• Mob: +91-9828693700 | 9413518422
  • hakimrahmanibhiwadi01@gmail.com
  • पता: भिवाड़ी बैरियल, तावडू रोड, चांदना धर्म कांटा के पीछे, मक्की मस्जिद के पास , भिवाड़ी, राजस्थान 301019

Excessive Masturbation

Masturbation is a normal body procedure like heart beat and urination. But too much or lack of masturbation affect your sexual health. People at all ages can masturbate and it is a sign of good health. Individuals are sexual bodies throughout their lives, so masturbation is a normal part of sexual development. Normal masturbation reduces the chances of prostate cancer and boosts your immunity. It has several benefits so you should not be worried about the regular masturbation. However, when the things go beyond control such as daily masturbation or lack of masturbation is a concerning condition that needs your attention.

Effects of excessive masturbation

Too much masturbation affects your relationship, sexual health and also replaces the realistic sexualexperiences. It also causes physical soreness, emotional problems, and becomes a habit to reach orgasm. Over-masturbation results into more release of sexual hormones such as dopamine that forces brain and adrenal glands to perform the extensive hormonal conversion, overall it affects an individual’s body chemistry.

Other problems occur are:

a. Premature ejaculation
b. Low erection
Effects of lack of masturbation
a. Pelvic pain, tingling sensation during urination
b. Abnormal PSA level (prostate specific antigen)
c. Inflammation in reproductive organs

Meanwhile ejaculation has also its related psychological effects such as stress build-up, agitation and irritation. Treatment for abnormal masturbation At Dr Sheikh Clinic, you receive a herbal treatment for abnormal masturbation problems. The herbal treatment boosts your body energy, strength and improves your confidence. It normalizes body function, improves semen quantity and increases sexual power. The treatment gradually improves your body condition and brings back the sexual pleasure.